Through identifying and prioritizing mission needs, we break down big data and make it easier to understand. Data Visualization transforms data representation for situational awareness and knowledge management insight to support the mission at hand.
Data Visualization
Situational Awareness, Decision Tools,
Knowledge Management
Big Data, Transformed and Managed.

“We strive to provide the best service solutions and empowering technologies to meet and exceed our client’s needs in this fast paced, constantly evolving market space.”
Ryan Maloney
President, CS

Proven Performance
Here are just a few standout case studies and stats we’re proud to present. Because in the end, if it doesn’t drive results, it doesn’t really matter.
HADR App Development
MIOS actively supports efforts to streamline communication capabilities of the Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Recovery (HADR) initiative. In collaboration with U.S. federal agencies, MIOS developed a web application to support first responders with a simple, device-agnostic, responder-facing interface to streamline communications with analysts.
Training Support Services
MIOS supports US Department of the Navy Strategic Systems Programs (SSP) Training Support Services Operations, Evaluation, and Training Branch developing System Achievement Tests (SATs) and proctor exam administration and maintaining the Navy’s Training System Plans (NTSPs).
Integrated Data Analytics
MIOS provides an integrated data analytics tool supporting the EPA in the area of digital transformation and workflow automation. MIOS provides up-to-the-minute reporting on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) on all aspects of operations, providing detailed metrics and capturing actual benchmarking data for the program.