Chenega Corporation U.S. Army PaYS Program SIgning Ceremony

Chenega Corporation Becomes U.S. Army Partnership for Youth Success Partner

On Tuesday, May 10th, 2022, Chenega Corporation’s Military, Intelligence, and Operations Support (Chenega MIOS) Strategic Business Unit was proud to host a signing ceremony at its headquarters in Lorton, VA, to celebrate Chenega Corporation’s acceptance into the U.S. Army’s Partnership for Youth Success (PaYS) Program.

PaYS is a unique program designed to prepare, train, and connect Soldiers to future employers. PaYS Soldiers are guaranteed a job interview with five PaYS Partners of their choice after completing their training or first term of service. Soldiers who participate in the Program gain leadership, valuable technical skills, and experience. The PaYS Program provides employers with a pool of highly-skilled, motivated, and professional candidates from which they may fill their personnel needs.

More importantly, the Army benefits by gaining valuable industry partners who acknowledge the Army as a quality producer of skilled employees. PaYS partners gain employees who have developed professional work habits with positive instilled values and the highest standards of conduct.

Captain Kevin Jaco, Company Commander, Potomac Mills Recruiting Company, provided the opening remarks Tuesday morning, followed by the presentation of the colors by the Baltimore Recruiting Company and Chenega MIOS’s own Recruiting Operations Analyst, Joshua Keller, singing the National Anthem.

Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Felichia Brooks, Commander, Baltimore Recruiting Battalion, was the U.S. Army’s signing representative. Before her most recent assignment, LTC Brooks served as ACoS, G1 at the United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, United States Army Special Operations Command at Fort Bragg. John “JC” Campagna, President of Chenega MIOS, was honored to sign on behalf of Chenega Corporation.

During the signing ceremony, JC took a minute to emphasize the significance of this partnership for Chenega, “We are tapping into the world’s best by simply being partnered with the recruiting command,” he said. “We are proud to be a part of this organization, we are proud to be a strategic partner, and I assure you [to LTC Felichia Brooks] we won’t let you down.”

LTC Felichia Brooks concluded the ceremony by presenting JC with a certificate of participation and plaque on behalf of the U.S. Army PaYS program. All who attended enjoyed a BBQ lunch and cake to celebrate the new partnership.

Learn more about U.S. Army Partnership for Youth Success

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