Chenega Systems Spotlights Elizabeth Kirkland

Chenega Systems (CS) is proud to highlight Elizabeth Kirkland, a dedicated and inspiring Program Manager who has been with Chenega for over three years. In her role, Elizabeth’s day-to-day responsibilities vary, often involving a mix of meetings, emails, planning, and reporting. Her primary focus is on providing support to her team members as they carry out various tasks and projects.

Elizabeth’s favorite part of her job is witnessing those moments when her team achieves something new or challenging. “It’s incredible to watch them grow and succeed in areas they previously thought were beyond their reach,” she says. These moments not only inspire her but also reinforce her gratitude for her role as Program Manager.

One of Elizabeth’s greatest accomplishments in this role was when an employee told her that she was the best boss they had ever had in all their years of working. “This means a lot to me,” she shares, “as this employee has had many bosses over the years. It’s hard not to doubt yourself, especially when it’s your first time stepping into a management role, so hearing this was a huge accomplishment for me.” Elizabeth’s dedication to her team and her genuine care for their success is evident in the way she leads, providing both support and encouragement.

When it’s time to unwind, Elizabeth enjoys going for walks, provided the weather isn’t too hot. She finds walking to be a great way to decompress, either by catching up with her husband after work or by listening to a podcast or some good music. These moments offer her a chance to recharge and find balance amidst her busy schedule.

Elizabeth draws her motivation from her faith, which plays a massive role in her approach to work and life. She is guided by the passage from Colossians 3:23-24: “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” This perspective empowers her to give her best in every task, knowing that her work serves a greater purpose.

Described by her peers as cheerful, determined, and optimistic, Elizabeth exemplifies the qualities of a strong and compassionate leader.

Chenega Systems is proud to have her as part of the team and looks forward to witnessing the continued growth and positive impact she brings to her team and the Chenega family!