CITES is Proud to Announce its Newest Contract for the USAICoE

Chenega IT Enterprise Services (CITES) is pleased to announce its award for the Army Capability Manager (ACM) Formations-Intelligence (F-I). In this contract, CITES will be performing professional and technical services for the United States Army Intelligence Center of Excellence (USAICoE).

CITES will support ACM F-I in its role as the Army’s centralized manager for capability development activities directly supporting intelligence formations, specifically for Military Intelligence Brigades-Theater (MIB-T), Expeditionary Military Intelligence Brigades (E-MIB), Intelligence and Electronic Warfare (IEW) Battalions, Military Intelligence Companies (MICO) and other intelligence formations as directed. This work includes assisting the Government in ACM F-I developing and managing capability requirements leading to doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy (DOTMLPF-P) solutions in support of Army intelligence formations.

CITES looks forward to its opportunity to work with the USAICoE.