Message to the Chenega MIOS Organization

Happy Friday to you all…

When we first faced this pandemic, we were all very concerned about the impact COVID would have on us as individuals, on our families, and ultimately our way of life. As with all things unknown, the greatest fear stems from the very fact that we don’t understand what we are facing…. As we have now passed a little over five weeks of “stay-at-home” and self-quarantine along with modified work protocols, I think we have learned to relax a bit more, and adjust our daily lives to meet the challenge. As with the lesson given to us by our Shareholders, it is how we handle adversity that defines us, and not the mere fact that adversity exists. I couldn’t be more proud of how we, as a Group and extended family, have handled this challenge. Our leaders consistently stepped up, and the rest of you have carried more than your fair share of the burden with grace and professionalism. And, we have all learned how to have a little fun, thanks to our exceptional and imaginative Marketing Team.

My commitment to you all during this turbulent time was to communicate openly and honestly and to provide the most up to date guidance that reflects state, local, and federal guidelines. As this has shown to be an evolving situation, we have learned how to stay ahead of the problem and adjust our strategy as necessary. We continue to meet often and continually reviewing our response plans to provide business continuity and meet the needs of all of our associates. Rest assured, this isn’t over yet, but as we hear more and more, that some communities are contemplating a way to return to “normal,” be sure that so are we. We are examining and validating best practices across a broad spectrum of experts, and compiling a hybrid solution that best accommodates Chenega MIOS. More details and guidance will be forthcoming within the next week.

At our Headquarters in Anchorage, Alaska, the State and Municipality authorities are allowing “return to work,” with preventive measures and a phased-in approach to be implemented on 5 May 2020. As more States and Local jurisdictions contemplate the same possibilities, we will keep you updated and present you all with very specific, clear, and concise guidance on how we, MIOS, will follow suit. To answer your question: NO, we DO NOT have a date yet, so please be patient and stand by.

Thanks again to each and every one of you for your patience, your dedication, and your commitment. Hope will prevail, and together we will smoke this monster.

Helpful Links and Resources for COVID-19 Updates