With the merge of the CARS and NJVC teams this fiscal year, a primary goal for the companies has been to focus on the workforce and promote a culture that encourages a work-life balance. With this initiative in mind, the CARS/NJVC leadership invited all of the employees located in Missouri and Illinois and their family members to join them for a Cardinals game! On Saturday, May 20th, over 70 employees and their families came out to watch the St. Louis Cardinals take on the Los Angeles Dodgers, an incredible turnout, to say the least.

Kerry Demasi, Business Management Analyst and Employee Outreach & Engagement Training Manager, said, “It was great being able to catch up with some of our employees in the West while also having the opportunity to meet family members. The weather was absolutely perfect, and the game was a nail-bitter all the way to the last at-bat, with the Cardinals pulling off a 6-5 victory over the Dodgers.”

This was the first time the CARS and NJVC teams did an employee engagement event that was open to family members, and based on the positive feedback received, they are excited to host similar outings in the future.

Chenega MIOS, as a whole, recognizes the importance of a healthy work-life balance and the importance that family plays in each of our lives. We are so grateful that the CARS and NJVC teams were able to gather and socialize with co-workers outside of the office while also getting a chance to meet each other’s families.

Thank you to the companies for hosting and to all who were able to attend and make the event such a great success!